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Wykład otwarty: Musicians and patrons between Hindustan and Bengal in the eighteenth century

Zakład Języków i Kultur Indii i Azji Płd. IO UJ

zaprasza na wykład


Dr. Richard D. Williams

(King's College London )



Musicians and patrons between Hindustan

and Bengal  in the eighteenth century



The lecture presents a social history of cultural patronage between the heartlands and peripheries of the Mughal empire. Drawing upon sources in Persian, Brajbhasha, and Bengali, the presentation considers the circulation of musicians between different cultural centres. This circulation sheds new light upon networks of cultural production, pre-modern foundations of Bengali regionalism, and the political value of musical knowledge.


08 maja 2015 (piątek), godz. 14:30

Kolegium Śląskie, Al. Mickiewicza 3, s. 402

Published Date: 06.05.2015
Published by: Wojciech Kosior