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The Comparative Studies of Civilizations

The Comparative Studies of Civilizations

The Comparative Studies of Civilizations [Porównawcze studia cywilizacji] – The Polish Journal of the Art and Culture 3 (3/2012), eds. A. Świerzowska, B. Prochwicz-Studnicka, B. Gierek, A. Kowalska.

The present tome focuses on selected aspects of four civilisations: Western, Islamic, Indian subcontinent and Far East. These are preceded by two theoretical chapters dealing with some conceptions of civilisation and conceptual schemes typical for particular cultural circles.

The authors of this volume have assumed various academic perspectives. This has directly translated into the interdisciplinary nature of the publication making it an attractive proposition for a broad range of readers eager to learn about different cultural patterns and the processes of their development.

The main purpose of each of the papers was to provide the reader with solid knowledge which in turn may serve as a basis for deeper reflection and as an inspiration for developing sensitivity to civilisational differentiation around the world. In modern times when inter-cultural contacts are more and more common, such abilities are indispensable.

The texts are authored by the faculty and colleagues of the Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations of the Jagiellonian University.

The tome is available online in pdf.