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Instytut Religioznawstwa UJ zaprasza na wykład “Islamophobia without Muslims. The case of Poland”

Instytut Religioznawstwa UJ zaprasza na wykład “Islamophobia without Muslims. The case of Poland”, który wygłosi dr hab. Katarzyna Górak-Sosnowska (SGH Warszawa).

To an outsider (and insider as well) Polish negative sentiments toward Muslims can be puzzling as Muslims constitute less than 0,1% of country’s population and there have never been any challenges related to their presence (which had been for over 600 years). In my lecture I will try to provide three interlinked narratives that might provide some explanation: (a) lacking multicultural experiences, which are often learnt only “by dry run”, (b) rise of Polish nationalist identity against the Muslim Other and (c) Islamophobia as a way of negotiating Poland’s position vs. the EU. 

Wykład odbędzie się we wtorek, 7 maja, o godz. 16:45 w Instytucie Religioznawstwa UJ w sali nr 9.
Published Date: 29.04.2019
Published by: Krystyna Mierzwa