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Mgr Wioletta Laskowska-Smoczyńska

Mgr Wioletta Laskowska-Smoczyńska


Japanese studies scholar, translator, teacher of Japanese as a foreign language, and curator. In 1993 Wioletta graduated with a master's degree from the Jagiellonian University's Institute of Oriental Philology in Krakow, specialising in Japanese studies. From 1997–1999, she completed a master's degree in Japanese literature at the Toyo University in Tokyo. Between 1993 and 2003, she was a faculty member at the Jagiellonian University's Department of Japanese Studies. Since 1999, she has been employed by the Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology in Krakow, where she is responsible for international communications and organising events promoting Japanese culture. In 2002, she was the Japanese Imperial Couple's interpreter during their visit to Krakow and the Manggha Museum. Wioletta has taught Japanese at the Centre since 2005.


Academic interests

  • Japanese literature and culture (with an emphasis on the performing arts);
  • methodology of teaching Japanese as a foreign language;
  • translation studies.

Selected publications

  • 2014, Japońskie baśnie i opowieści. Część 2. Zwierzęta małe i duże [Japanese fairy tales and stories. Part 2. Animals large and small], (with K. Nowak), Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej Manggha, Kraków.
  • 2013, Japońskie baśnie i opowieści. Część 1. Doroczne święta i uroczystości [Japanese fairy tales and stories. Part 1. Annual holidays and celebrations], (with K. Nowak), Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej Manggha, Kraków.
  • 2011, Kino japońskie w polskim plakacie filmowym [Japanese cinema in Polish film posters], the Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology, Krakow].
  • 2011, Akira Kurosawa – twórca japoński, twórca światowy, (ed., with Piotr Kletowski) [Akira Kurosawa - Japanese creator, world creator (ed., With Peter Kletowski)], the Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology, Krakow.
  • 2006, Spotkanie z Japonią. ABC dla dzieci odwiedzających Centrum Manggha [Meeting with Japan. An ABC for children visiting Manggha] (with K. Nowak), CSiTJ Manggha, Kraków.
  • 2006, Wczesna literatura japońska, in: Historia Literatury Światowej [Early Japanese Literature, in: The History of World Literature], vol. 12, Pinnex, Kraków.
  • 2000, Andrzej Wajda – związki z Japonią [Andrzej Wajda's Connections with Japan], in: Japonica (published by Wydawnictwo Nozomi) no. 12.
  • 1998, Próba charakterystyki i klasyfikacji wyrazów dźwiękonaśladowczych występujących w dramacie Kyogen, [in:] Teatr Orientu, Materiały z sesji naukowej, Instytut Filologii Orientalnej UJ, Kraków [An attempt at characterising and classifying onomatopeic words appearing in the drama Kyogen, in the Orient Theatre, material from a symposium, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow].
  • 1995, Teatr Shigeyama Kyogen w Krakowie [The Shigeyama Kyogen Theatre in Krakow], [in:] Japonica (published by the University of Warsaw) no.4.
  • 1994, Przemijanie czasu w twórczości Kawabaty Yasunariego. Rola postaci kobiecych w kształtowaniu problemu [The passage of time in the works of Kawabata Yasunariego. The role of women in shaping the issue], [in:] Japonica (published by the University of Warsaw) no. 3.

Research projects

  • The influence of Russian literature on the work of Akutagawa Ryunosuke;
  • Translatological analysis of Y. Kudō's Japanese translation of A. Mickiewicz's Pan Tadeusz;
  • Development of mnemonic techniques in teaching Japanese as a foreign language.

Other achievements

  • 1997–1999 master's curriculum at the Toyo University in Tokyo, specialisation: Japanese literature;
  • 1996–1997 Japanese government scholarship at the Osaka University of Foreign Studies;
  • 1994 two-month-long internship in teaching Japanese as a foreign language, organised by the Japan Foundation.


  • travel;
  • theatre;
  • film.